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Dear you,

here is a matter close to my Heart:

While at Naturopathic & Herbal Medicine College in New Zealand, I dove deep into the interconnectedness between Mother Nature and Women as the very extension of our Mother Earth.

Feminine Reproductive Health became one of my specialties; I even wrote my final Bachelor thesis on the subject.

Later, in my professional life, I supported women with fertility issues, often resulting in them to finally have the baby of their dreams :-)

The wellness practice extended into my dance and movement medicine offerings. 

I continued my studies. I shared these finings with my clients and students.

I do see womanly sensuality and sexuality as a vital component of holistic well-being.

And thus, I have created the:



A woman is inherently sexual and sensual.

Patriarchy tried to taboo anything from the waist down, having shamed and locked a woman’s healthy sensuality and sexuality.

Sensuality and sexuality are an inherent part of nature within each woman, a highly creative and divine force, aimed to connect and create pleasure and fulfillment. Sensuality as a means to be fully awake.

Sensuality that is awe inspiring and respect inducing… from the outside it feels like one has to ask for respectful permission to appreciate it as it stands for itself.

 I want to be absolutely clear here:

I do not work with neo-tantra and modern approaches to sexual liberation!

There is a sexual shadow in this modern liberation movement that equates sexuality in the form of radical openness and willingness for sexual interactions while overriding oneself as some form of breakthrough.

These approaches are actually at risk of re-traumatizing sexual/emotional pain.

My approach is deeply intimate with self. A woman finds her sexuality through an invitation of her heart, feeling safe and met, feeling clear with her self worth and innate beauty. A woman is sensual because she is inherently a creature of the Earth and intelligent within all her senses. A woman is deeply creative like the Goddess and the Earth herself, as we are born with allies to give new life and to nurture it. These abilities may be applied to any endeavor of life, including one's own healing. This power is all encompassing and nothing to be ashamed of.


Have you ever felt:

Sensual and sexual erotic blockages

sexual inhibition within a safe partnership

sexual shame

sexual trauma

can't express oneself sexually and sensually

fear of own sexual and sensual powerInability to relax or orgasm during sex

Low Libido​ 

Would you like to feel:

Supported passion, fulfilment; ease of emotional and physical expression

Sensually fulfilled and satisfied

Your sexuality is your own

Understand a woman’s sexuality moves from the heart and the body to the yoni

Clear choice of sexual partner

Feeling safe and stable

Connected to erotic innocence

In touch with inner eros

At ease to express sexuality

Healthy sexuality

Increased enjoyment

Able to nurture self and others

Balanced sensuality, sexuality

I would love to assist you with a combination of:


  • Naturopathic sessions for Feminine Reproductive Health 

  • Hypnotherapy for the Soul

  • Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story  

  • Flower Essence Blend for your new Soul Story 

I look forward to hear from you, should you like my assistance.

 WITH LOVE, Schirin

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