I am a woman, just like you.
I have had to face many of the rites of passage, individual and collective hurts and intergenerational traumas that women go through. We are each so unique, yet our journeys are common. The most important gift for us is our inter-connectedness and support. Women have always laughed and cried together.
We…ourselves… are THE ONE we’ve been waiting for! We are our own S-heros !
We are NOT victims of fate! We have the power for what we need already inside of ourselves!
Work with me and be pro-active about your healing, work towards your unique destiny!
Allow yourself to feel really good and experience INNER FREEDOM from these painful stories threading through every area of your life.
I have walked each step of my own healing in order to gain the understanding to put myself in your position.
I have done extensive study with the very themes of my own life and as I have observed in women around me .
There is also an inherent correlation between the Healing of the Earth and the Healing of Women.
As within so without.
With these Transformational Bundles, I am offering you structured pathways to move from a wounded self into a more fulfilled expression of a womanly life.

The Transformational Healing Bundles
are designed in depth for the following themes:
Please note:
The sessions within each bundle are interchangeable and can be customized to your needs,
which we will establish in our 15min FREE Zoom call following your email.

One of the strongest woundings to women is devaluation, a lessening of worth. It seems absurd because every single human comes from a woman, life is given from our bodies. This default serves the disempowerment and disconnect and destabilization within our personal and collective lives..
Healing our value and worth from within is poignant and crucial.
Our sense of self-worth is crucial for owning the gifts we have come with into this life and to fulfill our ‘why we are here’!
Have you ever felt:
Low self- worth
Dimming your Light
Nervous and anxiety prone for your right to be
Undeserving of fulfillment
Low self-belief
Not comfortable
Watching from the outside as others live their dreams and potentials
Seek external validation
Would you like to feel:
Relaxed in your sense of self
Trust your own instincts
See the beauty in yourself
At ease with yourself
Feel capable
Take ownership of your gifts
Strong personal value system and integrity
What to expect:
‘Uniquely YOU’ Flower Essence session and blend (30min)
Hypnotique 9 session protocol ( 90min each session)
Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story ( 60min)
Two Complementary Flower Essence Blends for your new Soul Story
Total $1350

This bundle is addressing Feminine Reproductive Healthcare at every stage of a woman's life. This specialized approach promotes recovery from hormonal and reproductive conditions and peak reproductive health and choice.
Have you ever felt/experienced:
Menstrual irregularities, pain, difficulties, absent
Hormonal swings
Fertility, IVF attempts
Pelvic pain
Past birth trauma, miscarriage, or abortion, or sexual violation
Low Libido
Cancer, including breast, cervical, ovarian & uterine cancer
Miscarriages, terminations and stillborn experiences
Birth trauma
Polycystic ovary syndrom and cysts
Menopausal issues: hot flashes, excessive sweating, dryness, osteoporosis
Would you like to have:
Hormonal Balance
Reproductive organ good health
Regular and healthy periods
Healthy Pregnancy
Birth and Post Part support
Easing of menopausal symptoms
Menopause as an empowering rite of passage
What to expect:
‘Uniquely YOU’ Flower Essence session and blend (30min)
Naturopathic Therapy (4 sessions 60min each)
Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story ( 60min)
Complementary Flower Essence Blend
Total $650
Extra: Herbal Medicines and supplements

Knowing your own power is like coming home to yourself!
To know that you have the power to heal yourself, to make choices that align you with your true expression from heart/soul, to change the course of your life. All that lives within yourself!
Cease this empowering opportunity and stand in right relationship with your power
Have you ever felt:
Low self confidence
Entangled in dramatic power dynamics
Not believing in yourself
Afraid of own power
Receiving end of narcissistic abuse
Seek external validation
Comparison to others
The ceiling is low
Confused about what true power is
Put yourself last
Would you like to feel:
Feel adequate to rise to any occasion
Realize that every situation offers an opportunity to grow and evolve
Using free will wisely and skillfully
Engaged with instinctual powerful self
Have a sealed solar plexus
In your center
Definiton of right power
Take ownership of your gifts and talents, know you ‘can’​
What to expect:
Herbal Medicine consult and remedies for adrenal health and vitality plus complementary blend of herbs ( 60min)
Hypnotique 9 session protocol ( 90min each session)
Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story ( 60min)
Complementary Flower Essence Blend for your new Soul Story
Total $1450

'Beauty is reality seen with the eyes of love' -Tagore
Women’s worth has been knotted tightly to their external appearance and a woman’s true state of beauty, her inner radiance and uniqueness have been hijacked.
The beauty of women is a key issue with every woman!!!! Women's beauty has been misused for distraction purposes away from their power and necessity to inhabit seats of council within society.
Women are out of touch with their own unique relationship to beauty.
What does true beauty look like?
Beauty is a state, a way of life, a harmonious expression. When we are connected to the true beauty of the soul, our radiance shines.
People who embrace their inner state of beauty, become more beautiful in appearance.
Have you ever felt:
Not feeling beautiful
Distracted by dissatisfaction with outer appearance
Body dysmorphia
Feeling worth and power are tied to external beauty
Eating disorders
Partner suggests you’re physically not attractive enough
Would you like to feel:
Embody the beauty way, align with it
Beauty Way: harmony, grace, truth, beauty and order
Enjoy the beauty of life, a state of beauty & of truth, from the heart
an expression of the magic of beauty
Sense of self
Loving self
Comfortable in own body
Embracing any shape, age and maturity as a blessing
Clarity what is true Beauty
Feeling beautiful
What to expect:
‘Uniquely YOU’ Flower Essence session and blend (30min)
Hypnotique 9 session protocol ( 90min each session)
Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story ( 60min)
Complementary Flower Essence Blend for your new Soul Story
Total $1350

The heart is the all seeing eye of truth, seat of our soul, inner compass and guiding light of true wisdom. Heart break is one of the most common experiences in our humanity. It can leave us disconnected from living a life connected and aligned with heart, soul and spirit. The heart and truth require listening. Heart break can make it difficult to 'listen'. Living a life from our heart is one of the most courageous acts we can do as humans.
Lets heal, clear and integrate the lessons around the Heart.
“Heartsick, heartbroken – to know love is to know pain. What could be more common? Even so, each broken heart is so singular that with it we probe the divine.”
— Rumi
Have you ever felt:
Loss, anxiety, grief, uncertainty, despair, isolation
Rejected, abandoned or unappreciated
Strikes at self worth, shreds self worth, shut us off,
Solid weight on the chest
Based your self worth on whether a man loves you
Project your own protective masculine power outside yourself
Heart felt trauma due to abuse or betrayal of love or trust, grief, rejection issues,
Hatred, jealousy
Issues around giving or receiving love
‘Heart issues’, ‘can’t breathe’ or who feel ‘suffocated’, claustrophobic and prone to hyperventilation
Shattered dreams
Would you like to feel:
Self-acceptance, self-trust.
Heart-Felt connections to life, to others
A feeling of completeness
Healthy intimate relationships
Know when to give and when to receive
Express true self in relationship
Loving and embracing
Sense of belonging
Able to breathe
Engaged with true self
safely re-connect with one’s loving self
Let your guard down and breathe in life
Live from heart felt wisdom
What to expect:
‘Uniquely YOU’ Flower Essence session and blend (30min)
Hypnotique 9 session protocol ( 90min each session)
Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story ( 60min)
Two Complementary Flower Essence Blends for your new Soul Story
Total $1350

A woman is inherently sexual and sensual
Patriarchy tried to taboo anything from the waist down, having shamed and locked a woman’s healthy sensuality and sexuality
Sensuality and sexuality are an inherent part of nature within each woman, a highly creative and divine force, aimed to connect and create pleasure and fulfillment. Sensuality as a means to be fully awake
Sensuality that is awe inspiring and respect inducing… outside feels like it has to ask for permission as it stands for itself
I want to be absolutely clear here:
I do not promote neo-tantra and modern approaches to sexual liberation!
There is a sexual shadow in this modern liberation movement that equates sexuality in the form of radical openness and willingness for sexual interactions while overriding oneself as some form of breakthrough.
These approaches are actually at risk of re-traumatizing sexual/emotional pain.
My approach is deeply intimate with self. A woman finds her sexuality through an invitation of her heart, feeling safe and met, feeling clear with her self worth and innate beauty. A woman is sensual because she is inherently a creature of the Earth and intelligent within all her senses. A woman is deeply creative like the Goddess and the Earth herself, as we are born with allies to give new life and to nurture it. These abilities may be applied to any endeavor of life, including one's own healing. This power is all encompassing and nothing to be ashamed of.
Have you ever felt:
Sensual and sexual erotic blockages
sexual inhibition within a safe partnership
sexual shame
sexual trauma
can't express oneself sexually and sensually
fear of own sexual and sensual power
Inability to relax or orgasm during sex
Low Libido
Would you like to feel:
Supports passion, fulfilment; ease of emotional and physical expression
Sensually fulfilled and satisfied
Your sexuality is your own
Understand a woman’s sexuality moves from the heart and the body to the yoni
Clear choice of sexual partner
Feeling safe and stable
Connected to erotic innocence
In touch with inner eros
At ease to express sexuality
Healthy sexuality
Increased enjoyment
Able to nurture self and others
Balanced sensuality, sexuality
What to expect:
Naturopathic 2 sessions for Feminine Reproductive Health ( 90min each )
Flower Essence session and blend (30min)
Hypnotique 9 session protocol ( 90min each )
Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story ( 60min)
Complementary Flower Essence Blend for your new Soul Story
Total $1500
Naturopathic remedies extra.

This program is for those who seek personal healing or want to experience rapid personal and spiritual growth.
If you feel that something is missing in your life, or you have a recurring pattern that you want to clear, or you feel ready to move to the next stage in your life but you do not know what it is, then this deeply transformative program is for you.
Strengthen connection with your soul
I will work with you one-to-one to help you gain a clear insight into where you are at in your life right now, what you need to learn or let go of, where to from here and how.
With my highly developed clairvoyant abilities and psychic gifts I will help you to strengthen connection with your soul, the source of true power. During these sessions you be actively working with the intelligence and co-creative wisdom of soul and your higher self to create deep and permanent transformation, transformation that cannot be achieved by any other means.
Experience a deep sense of freedom and liberation:
Together we will work to clear any pain, trauma, fears or negative patterns that are holding you back from who you truly are. I will help you to align with your unique divine pattern and fast-track your healing and growth.
You will experience a deep sense of freedom and upliftment, and an entirely new level of joy, confidence, courage and strength.
This personal healing program is ideal for you, if:
You feel like something is missing in your life and you do not know what it is
You feel stuck in disempowering situations or relationships that seem to be repeating themselves
You are asking yourself questions: What is my life purpose? What am I here to do?
You find that no matter how much healing you have already one, you just don’t seem to be able to stop sabotaging yourself
You want to breakout of self-destructive or self-limiting habits, behaviours and patterns that keep you small and stuck once and for all
You feel ready to move to the next stage in your life but you do not know what it is or how to do it
You want to experience more joy in your relationships, your work and in your personal life
You want to achieve your personal goals and aspirations
You want to experience deep healing and rapid growth
What to expect:
‘Uniquely YOU’ Flower Essence session and blend (30min)
Hypnotique 9 session protocol ( 90min each session)
Somatic Sacred Dance Medicine for you to embody your new story ( 60min)
Two Complementary Flower Essence Blends for your new Soul Story
Alchemy and magic rituals – working magically and alchemically to align, adjust and attune to higher powers (elixirs at own cost)
Total $1350