If there is to be a future, it will wear a crown of feminine design. ~Aurobindo
Have you felt an inner passion blazing? Have you ever followed that thirst within to the source? I believe we all have an inner calling to experience the fullness of life. Can you hear it? When you listen deeply to your inner knowing then you'll begin to actualize your dreams. This is the process of divine manifestation on the path of the mystica. Get quiet and be present with your body wisdom and your intuitive knowing will guide you. Seek out rites of passage, despite the way slowly eroding in modern times. You are a mythological heroine on your quest to self discovery! Can you hear that affirming whisper within calling you to go deeper? Listen to that inner knowing singing about your inherent deservingness to live a beautiful and sacred life. How can we cultivate a space of deep listening and the inner qualities that will take us within? How can we find this innate skill of intuitive listening? Come with us on a journey and we will guide you to find out how! You’ll find a deep inner alchemy when you listen to that inner calling to find your path, your teachers, your sisters and your embodied practice. Transformation is possible when you surrender yourself to the call. Support your quest seeking out guides and guardian, experiences and sacred spaces. These elements create space for the alchemical fire to burn away all that is false so your authentic self may be revealed. Transformation appears in cycles and chapters. This path is not a linear one. We love to dance in beautiful circles after all. You’ll continue to blossom closer and closer to reveal your true essence overtime as you walk this path. You're a co-creator with life itself. Listen to the whisper of your soul and dance with the divine. Discipline and surrender, devotion and perseverance both have their place to keep you moving forward on this sacred quest of self discovery. There are moments when you may reach the top of a mountain after a determined ascension, take a deep breath and celebrate your breakthroughs. There are also moments on this journey when you find yourself stuck in the mud, needing a helping hand. You will learn to reach out and ask for support. It is your birthright to receive and be held. Every step is sacred. There are moments where you’re showered with blessings. You’re able to support your sisters and brothers on the path with your cup overflowing. Other times you’ll be given love that supports your wings taking flight in simple and magical ways. Sometimes you see the divine winking at you. Listen close enough and the wind will say, “yes this way, you're on the right path.” Other times you hear a loud siren warning you to reroute. You are shaken back on your path to retrace your steps. You rewind, renew, reflect and come back to finding your inner alignment. You continue to polish your diamond with prayer, inner alignment and hard work. The endless cycle of spiritual evolution goes on! What is written in the stars for you? You let go over and over again, surrender more and more to the divine unfolding. This continuous emptying out will create space in this ever new process of renewal. You dance closer and closer to that blazing fire of inner alchemy within. You feel the heat simmering within you on this journey. Yet, how do you discern between your egoic motives and a deeper knowing? It takes courage! You move, dance and whirl discovering again the inner light shining within. You’re being becomes infused with the experience of divine timing. Kismet connections, synchronicity and a sacred rhythm begin to guide you. You begin to feel a pulse coming from within animating your journey. You learn to cultivate a reverent patience as your body attunes to the natural harmony of life. You learn to trust the process and even delight in the mysterious unfolding. When you walk the path of the mystica you will know your deepest desires are divinely orchestrated. Your most authentic dreams are your birthright to fulfill. Are you ready to call in this aliveness? Are you willing to give all of yourself? Now is the moment to fulfill your part. This is the journey of the mystica, the yogini and the pilgrim of the earth. Can you hear the inner calling? Dance the path of the Mystica with me in Crete this June 17th to June 26th. Find our more HERE.